Published on November 2, 2003 By Lady Aarielle In Stardock Software
Hi all-
Please help--this problem has existed for several months. I cannot view ratings nor can I download more skins. There are no error messages simply performs as if it's downloading, but the skin does not show up in either "Display Properties" or "WindowBlinds Configuration"!

The only way I could circumvent this problem was to re-download "WindowBlinds" if I had just purchased the product. I can't re-install "WindowBlinds" everytime the site does not let me download more WB. The ratings, however, are not viewable unless I log out, but as soon as I log in the ratings disappear....regardless of whether I have just redownloaded WB or not.

I am a level 4 user, I have the read the FAQ's but nothing there has helped, I cross referenced the account, I have written "Stardock Support" adnauseam....they NEVER reply!!! > >

PLEASE HELP...I'm at the end of my rope and not a happy camper. I love WC and try to support it by purchasing products and membership and you all have helped me out no matter how simple or difficult my questions please help me out on this one. I'm at my wits end!!!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 02, 2003
#1 - there is a ongoing problem with ratings showing, not showing and whatnot, so don't worry about that until they fix's not you so hang tight on that problem.

#2 - There is also a problem with some about the auto download and install...that is also being worked on and it's not you. To work around the problem in the interim, create a 'Temp' folder on your HD (call it whatever you want). Right click on the WB skin 'Download' button you want and click on 'Save Target As' and point to that folder and click OK (do not worry what is says you're saving it as ....just click OK). Double click on the saved WB file and it will install........

...let me know if that doesn't work, but do not un-install/re-install.

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on Nov 03, 2003
Hi Yrag-
I tried it just like you said and it will not open. I've downloaded other things like that but it (WB file) won't open.
Anything else I could try? Thank you.
on Nov 03, 2003
Hi aarielle, do you recall what the file extension was of the WB after you Downloaded it? Was it a WBA file?
on Nov 03, 2003
Right click on downloaded file and click 'Open With' and point to WBload.exe in Windowblinds folder. Click OK.

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on Nov 03, 2003
Hi Yrag-
I forgot to mention that when it didn't open by double clicking I right clicked and tried the 'Open With' option but it didn't work either......I even tried the 'Open With' Internet explorer just to see what would happen....nothing of course.
Yes, it's a WBA file. At the end of the download it also gives 'Open', 'Open Folder', and 'Close' button options......neither the 'Open' or 'Open Folder' would open the file for me.
I imagine.......It acts as with someone who has reached their limit of free downloads. I really appreciate your help ....anything else I could try? Thank you.
on Nov 03, 2003
I don't know if this info is relative to anything but this problem started happening back in June or July. That's why I thought it might not have anything to do with the glitches after WC's move. Just thought I'd tell you in case it helps.
Thanks again.....I'm ready for anything else you think might work!
on Nov 04, 2003
Hi Keila-
It is a WBA file I just rechecked! Do you have any suggestions? Thank you. All help is welcome....
on Nov 04, 2003
OK....I think I got it.......right click on downloaded file and un-zip to a new folder (name it whatever the skin is). I don't know how your setup so when you right click it may say 'extract to XXXXX folder....if that's the case just let it un-zip. In either case take that folder and move it to WB skins folder and you should see it in the WB Config....let me know..

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on Nov 04, 2003
OH, I thought this would work for sure. I have done this with some of the cursor and icon files and I have also been able to open the files before moveing them.
However, after moving it to the WB folder I went to check and it does not appear in either the 'Display Properties' or the 'WindowBlinds Configuration', nor was I able to open it before I moved it.
on Nov 04, 2003
Hummmmmm....this is getting to be the install from hell. Did you try to open WB config and in the right column 'load skin from disk' and point to the original downloaded file? I keep thinking about the fact that you've had this problem since July...something isn't right...what version are you using now and what folder is it located (Objectdesktop, Stardock, etc)?
on Nov 04, 2003
I'm really new at all this and moving files is about as sophisticated as I get... although I went and clicked on the 'install skin from disk' and much to my surprise I saw the name of the WB skin there among the others. However, once I saw it I had no clue what to do since I have never used that for anything.
You're going to think you're dealing with the ditz from hell...but I have no clue what version it is...I assume it's 4.0 cause that's what it said when I bought it. As far as the folder I'm not sure what you mean...the path? Because when I moved it it was Stardock>Objectdesktop>Windowblinds. Is that what you meant?
on Nov 04, 2003
aarielle, do you know how to get onto the Wincustomize chat or do you have MSN messenger? I am going to get in touch with someone who may be able to figure this out quicker. yrag is correct, this is just not right that it has become so difficult for you to load WB. yrag has also done a wonder job of trying to help.
Let me now here or you can find my email address in my profile when you click on my name.
on Nov 04, 2003
Ahhh...the saga continues....

Thanks for the kind words Andrea

Now, Tricia....avoiding for the moment that I think there's someother underlaying problem, let's just deal with getting you a skin! When you see the skin you wanted when you used the 'Install From Disk' option in WB config, you just need to click on that file and it will install. If, for whatever reason it doesn't, you can play with any of those options on the right without fear of messing anything up.

As far as version, open SDC and it will show which version you have installed and which are available. Installed should be: 4.19c(.002 and available should be: 3.51.053. If that's not what you show that could be the problem. 3.51.053 is not an update so just ignore it.

The files that all these lovely things reside in should be: C:\Program Files\Stardock\Object Desktop\WindowBlinds. If that's not where yours are then that could be the problem.

Anyway, try installing a skin first and we'll work our way up from there. Don't worry, we'll get it

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on Nov 04, 2003
Hi Keila-
Right, have no fear--I know how great Yrag is....this is first class service!! Specially after being used to Stardock Support ignoring me.
Thank you as well...I'll keep you posted.
on Nov 04, 2003
Hi Yrag-
OK, I clicked and played with the WB configuration, but the skin still does not appear in either list, it doesn't apply or install.

As far as the version I went to 'All Programs' and I can't find anything with the acronym SDC nor can I find a help button where I normally find the version of something. I feel really dense!

Yes, the files are in that exact order: C:\Program Files\Stardock\Object Desktop\WindowBlinds.

OK, I just tried downloading another WB skin and it's the same drill all over.

I mean it Yrag....THANK YOU!!!...for hanging in there with me, you have no idea how frustrating this has been. Specially with no reply from SD and my not really being PC savvy
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