Hi all-
Please help--this problem has existed for several months. I cannot view ratings nor can I download more skins. There are no error messages given....it simply performs as if it's downloading, but the skin does not show up in either "Display Properties" or "WindowBlinds Configuration"!
The only way I could circumvent this problem was to re-download "WindowBlinds".....as if I had just purchased the product. I can't re-install "WindowBlinds" everytime the site does not let me download more WB. The ratings, however, are not viewable unless I log out, but as soon as I log in the ratings disappear....regardless of whether I have just redownloaded WB or not.
I am a level 4 user, I have the read the FAQ's but nothing there has helped, I cross referenced the account, I have written "Stardock Support" adnauseam....they NEVER reply!!! >
PLEASE HELP...I'm at the end of my rope and not a happy camper. I love WC and try to support it by purchasing products and membership and you all have helped me out no matter how simple or difficult my questions are....so please help me out on this one. I'm at my wits end!!!