When I go to "edit account" and then to "upload / edit your desktop image" it behaves as if it has uploaded the new picture, but does not change it.

Also, it shows one picture ( a much older one) in "edit account and a different one when I click on my name in the message boards.

Anyone have a clue what's going on?
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 29, 2004
Wow....glad I'm not alone in the Twilight Zone...

Try using SDC and see if it takes it.
on Jun 29, 2004
I've never used or seen where you can change the "account preferences" in SDC.... I usually do it from the 'WC' site.
On top of that I'm having problems with SDC and that's why I was trying to upload my desktop picture.
on Jun 29, 2004
Use the Web Browser in SDC...
on Jun 29, 2004
When I click the Web Browser in SDC it just takes me to Stardock home page.
on Jun 29, 2004
In SDC settings change the Browser home page to www.wincustomize.com. You might also have to check to use Stardock Central for Internet Connections.
on Jun 29, 2004
ok I changed the home page to WC, thanks.

However, it still did not change the picture when I did it from there (SDC) either.
on Jun 29, 2004
...and you're getting no error message?
on Jun 30, 2004
not when I try changing the picture... it just goes through the motions but the old desktop picture remains.
The only thing it changes or updates is the "desktop title" I give it, but the pic remains the same.
on Jun 30, 2004
It only allowed me to change it once today as you can see if you've ckicked on my name.... but I tried changing it again and it won't do it. In "edit account" it shows a pic that is way older than today.
on Jun 30, 2004
I think this may be tied in with that version of SDC you have installed....it's ancient
on Jun 30, 2004
Is that why I see two different pictures in 'edit account' and the message boards?
Because, the only place I upload it is in 'edit account'... so you would think it would show up the same everywhere. It's not like I'm uploading in different places?
on Jun 30, 2004
It's possible...not probable..but possible that your install of SDC was old enough to not be able to get to the correct server...
on Jun 30, 2004
Of course, haveing both things work would have been toooo easy
So, the screeshot picture still will not update.
I tried to do it from SDC and WC site as well but no luck on this problem.
on Jun 30, 2004
I think, when it's all said and done, this is a cookie problem, but let me know what it does with the new SDC installed....
on Jun 30, 2004
Do you have a cookie blocker running and did you try it in IE?
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